What we do

Superbunny and Me is a fun and interactive social skill learning hub for children struggling with social interactions in school or at home.

We teach children a variety of skills that enable them to problem solve, navigate societal expectations, and effectively communicate in social settings.

Our aim is to help children become self-aware, express themselves confidently, regulate their emotions, and advocate for themselves at home, school and in other environments.


  • Personal development- knowing who they are, and what they are good at.
  • Social development- how they relate to others, making friends, sustaining positive relationships, understanding social rules and expectations.
  • Emotional development- managing and understanding their feelings and the feelings of others, having empathy.

For further information

info@superbunnyandme.co.uk or what's app 07843841506

Disclaimer: The social skills activities provided on the Superbunny and Me programme are intended to be fun and engaging for children to learn and practise social skills. However, please note that we are not a professional service and we do not provide professional services and we do not provide professional advice or therapy.

These activities should not substitute for seeking professional advice from licensed therapists or professionals. We encourage parents and caregivers to seek professional advice if they have concerns regarding their child's social skills development or mental health. By using our services you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions.